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Specify fields that will be retrieved via query. Check SOQL API - SELECT.


You are able to add a default fields to selector class. More fields can be added in a place of usage.

SELECT Id, Name, BillingCity, BillingState, BillingStreet
FROM Account
public inherited sharing class SOQL_Account implements SOQL.Selector {

public static SOQL query() {
return SOQL.of(Account.SObjectType)
.with(Account.Id, Account.Name); //default fields

public with sharing class MyController {

public static List<Account> getAccounts() {
return SOQL_Account.query()
.with(Account.BillingCity, Account.BillingState, Account.BillingStreet)

Parent Fields

Specify relationship name and pass parent object fields.

SELECT Id, Name, CreatedBy.Id, CreatedBy.Name
FROM Account
public inherited sharing class SOQL_Account implements SOQL.Selector {

public static SOQL query() {
return SOQL.of(Account.SObjectType) //default fields
.with(Account.Id, Account.Name);

public with sharing class MyController {

public static List<Account> getAccountsWithCreatedBy() {
return SOQL_Account.query()
.with('CreatedBy', User.Id, User.Name)



SELECT COUNT(Name) names FROM Account
public inherited sharing class SOQL_Account implements SOQL.Selector {

public static SOQL query() {
return SOQL.of(Account.SObjectType);

public with sharing class MyController {

public static Integer getAccountAmount() {
return SOQL_Account.query().count().toInteger();

public static Integer getUniqueAccountNameAmount() {
return SOQL_Account.query().count(Account.Name, 'names').toAggregated()[0].names;